Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 - Year in Review

*Davin started his basketball games with Startown Optimist.
*Brenna started piano lessons.
*I had a teacher's night out at Nailed It! and the kids tagged along.
*Jonathan took his first (of many) trips to China for work.
*Brenna had her first PE club performance at Davidson.
*I spent 3 weeks doing mClass testing at the 3 elementary schools.
*I got sick (again).


*Brenna had more PE club performances.
*Jonathan was out of town (China again), so the kids and I celebrated Valentines Day at Gepetto's.
*I had an awesome birthday - Amy brought me banana pudding to work and the Foxx family brought me a cupcake and the sweetest card.
*We celebrated Read Across America week at Startown.
*The kids had a glow run at school.


*My Science Olympiad teams did well at the competition and I was so proud of all our Startown kiddos.
*We celebrated Brenna turning 9 with a MineCRAFTing birthday party.
*The PE club performed at halftime of the ACC Women's Tournament - VT vs. Clemson.  
*I got all Betty Crocker and made some pies for pi day at work.
*Brenna mastered the lunicycle that she got for her birthday.
*The leprechaun visited again and didn't get trapped by Brenna.
*I tagged along on the PE club field trip to perform in Caldwell County and to Bo's.
*We joined the Catawba Country Club.

*The kids had some fun Easter activities at school.
*We spent Spring Break in New York.  We stayed in Queens and had a fun last day spent with the Crumps.
*We spent Easter Sunday at Hillsong NYC.  We spent the afternoon at a Yankees game.
*Davin started PGA Jr. League and had his first match.  He did awesome!
*Davin had Field Day, which is always a blast.


*Brenna had her Field Day.
*The kids ran in the Kids Marathon where Startown once again won the title.
*The kids played lots of baseball games in 8U.
*Davin and I went to the Mother-Son dance at CCC.
*We enjoyed Mother's Day brunch with the Hollars at CCC.
*A petting zoo came to CCC after dinner one night, which was a fun and random surprise.
*We had Decades Day at school, which was the best dress up day we've ever had.
*Brenna qualified for and ran in the Elite Feet race.  Davin also qualified but unfortunately he was at home with a fever.
*I caught whatever sickness Davin had and had to miss a day and a half of work during mClass testing week, which was not ideal.
*My mom came to town and was able to help watch the kids when they were sick and I was testing. 
*Brenna took her first EOG tests.  She made a PERFECT SCORE on the reading.  
*Jonathan and I tagged along with Brenna on her 3rd grade field trip to Cherokee.  Then she came back to stay with Davin and Nanie while J and I met Rachel and Brandan in Atlanta for the weekend.
*Jonathan and I watched the Braves play on our first night to town.  Unfortunately Rachel got sick so we didn't see her much over the weekend.

*We went to the Hootie & the Blowfish concert in ATL.
*We finished up the kids' 8U baseball season with only 1 loss during the season.
*The kids had a fun water inflatables day at school.
*We celebrated Davin's 7th birthday with a baseball themed party.
*Brenna was baptized and our family came to celebrate the day with us.
*The school year closed out. 
*My aunt Teresa died so I went to Bristol to see my family and for the funeral.
*We spent a week at Oak Island with Brandan, Rachel, and Graham.  Nanie and Neena joined us for a few days.  It was a much needed vacation.  Our first full day there was on Father's Day.
*The kids spent a week with Neena and Pa Bill while I worked Summer Reading Camp at Startown.  
*Jonathan went to China twice for a week each.
*We went to a Knights game in Charlotte with our baseball friends.

*I finished up Summer Reading Camp.
*I was having terrible abdominal pain, so ended up at the doctor and for a CT scan.  The diagnosis was diverticulitis and it was a rough week.
*Jonathan took the kids to Independence for the day for the 4th of July.  They came home in time to go see fireworks in Lincolnton.
*Summer Break finally "really" started and we enjoyed time at the pool with friends.
*We painted pottery, went to parks, and had fun having no real things planned.
*The kids went to Movie Camp in Maiden one Friday.
*I got my dream car - a Nissan Armada!  I absolutely adore it.
*We visited the Carolinas Aviation Museum to see the "Miracle on the Hudson" plane and hear survivors' stories.
*We celebrated Taylor and Spencer’s wedding in Virginia.  We stayed up there and had a fun weekend complete with fishing in Ricky’s pond. 
*Jonathan and I celebrated 11 years in Riviera Maya, Mexico.


*I picked the kids up in Virginia.  We spent a day at Wetlands water park with cousins.
*We stopped by Independence to celebrate Sawyer’s first birthday on the way home.
*We spent a lot of time with friends at the pool.
*We took an end of summer getaway to San Francisco/San Jose.
*I went back to work 2 weeks before the kids went back. 
*I drove to Virginia for a funeral and saw my 2 besties.

*We spent Labor Day at a pool party.
*Lots of school spirit days. 
*I started the Aspiring Administrators Leadership Academy. 
*Lots of 8u baseball.
*Nanie came to visit.


*Brenna rode in the Maiden homecoming parade.
*Davin’s team won the 8u championship.
*We went to Tweetsie with Neena, Pa Bill, Brandan, Rachel, and Graham. 
*We celebrated Halloween at CCC with a haunted hayride with friends. 
*Brenna was Beetlejuice, Davin was Dash, and Mommy was Mario.  We had a fun day at school doing reverse trick or treating for the staff.
*We trick or treated in our neighborhood.

*Sissy and I took the kids to the Renaissance Festival.
*Brenna and I went on an overnight field trip to Haw River.
*Fall golf wrapped up.
*Jonathan and I went to a Hokies game with the Dixons.
*Jonathan and I left the kids at home with the grandmas and went to Vancouver/Victoria.
*I got my usual fall sickness.  Lasted 6 weeks. I missed 2 days of work.
*Brenna learned to ride the giraffe unicycle.
*Basketball started for both kids. 
*We went to Virginia for Thanksgiving celebrations. 

*We cut down our Christmas tree.
*Jonathan volunteered at 4th grade’s Because of Winn Dixie party.
*Brenna had her first archery tournament.  
*I spent a day at The Corner Table making candy with some of my favorite people. 
*Jonathan and I joined 2nd grade at The Polar Express in Spencer. 
*Jonathan spent a week in China.
*One last spirit week for 2019! 
*We saw Santa at the mall then headed north for 4 days.  We came home on Christmas Eve.
*We celebrated Christmas morning at home.  We then spent a few lazy days.
*J and I are ringing in the new year with the Millers and the Avett Brothers in Greensboro.

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