I went for a growth ultrasound on Monday, and we determined I'm carrying a giant! He's in the 89th percentile.....weighing about 7.6 pounds already. Of course we all know ultrasounds aren't always accurate. Some of his measurements were in the 39 week range and some only in the 37-38 week range. All this to say I'm not dilated and we have no clue if mammoth boy will be early, on time, or late like his sis. The doctor feels sure he'll be a 9 pounder, but no talk of induction before 41 weeks at this point! He looked healthy and had a little bit of hair! His head was reallllllly low, so maybe that's a good start.
How far along? 36.4 weeks
Total weight gain: 29 pounds (which is a lot, but it's less than at this point with B)
Maternity clothes? of course
Sleep: Tylenol PM is a miracle! I'm actually getting pretty good sleep and sometimes even a short nap!
Best moment this week: ultrasound on Monday - seeing the 4 chambers of his heart - so cool!!
Miss Anything? normalcy in all areas
Movement? alllll the time.....cause he's HUGE!!!
Food cravings? nah
Anything making you queasy or sick? I'm queasy a lot lately but not sure why!
Gender: boy
Name? Davin Ryan
Labor Signs: lots and lots of contractions and a realllllly low head in my pelvis
Symptoms: I just hurt!
Belly Button in or out? in but has popped out a few nights....but always goes back lol
Wedding rings on or off? They wouldn't go on very easily yesterday, but they fit today.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Im trying to stay positive! :)
Looking forward to: My mom coming to visit this weekend.
On Mother's Day 2012 - 36 weeks, 1 day
The great thing about big babies is that they sleep MUCH better. So look forward to that aspect. :)