We completed (or partially completed) 30 of my 35 activities for October. Here's a quick rundown.
1. We tried handprint art on a canvas. Still need to finish it (a turkey). B got a little carried away so I'm going to have to get creative to salvage it.
2. We sent three happy mails. The post office guy was less than impressed, but our recipients likes them. More soon....are you next?
3. We went trick or treating at about three houses. Apparently our neighbors have gotten sour since last year.m then we went to the mall. Worst idea ever.
4. My random act of kindness was putting up random buggies at Target. We're doing many more in November.
5. We had family photos taken on Oct. 12. There were some good ones. We are doing more next weekend. No, we aren't crazy - just found an amazing deal on a mini session.
6. We carved a regular pumpkin and then carved another with Davin's handprints and footprints. Not easy.
7. Brenna got to color a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch with Sharpies. She got to paint one at church with her grandparents. Then she took a sharpie to the one we carved, too!
8. Brenna had her first S'more. She's a fan.
9. We watched The Great Pumpkin after trick or treating. Brenna didn't seem super impressed. It reminded me of watching it every year with my third graders.
10. We went to a local apple orchard and picked about a peck of Gold Rush apples.
11. ....which I used to make two crockpots full of applesauce, which I froze and made into baby food.
12. We got two 1/2 gallons of cider and drank on it for days. I did try to teach Brenna how to play Go Fish, but it was kind of a bust!
13. No kites. Too many power lines says my husband.
14. I let B paint my face one day. Hilarious. Plus she got her face painted at the apple festival I took her to.
15. She got to pet some chickens, a cow, and a pony at the pumpkin patch we went to.
16. We also had a picnic at the pumpkin patch with Lauren, Katlin, and Grandpa Halsey.
17. We didn't host a costume party, but we did attend one. And I got out my craftiness with some fun Halloween treats.
18. Brenna ADORES raking and jumping in leaves. Wayyy more fun this year than last, that's for sure.
19. I made my dry veggie vase. Bro loves to knock it down!
20. Brenna and I started on a fall themed canvas, but it is still not finished.
21. I made my googly eye picture frame.....for display next year since I never printed a picture?
22. The photographer took pictures of the kids in costume, but didn't put any of them on the CD. Bummer. We got a few good ones though.
23. We took a hayride to the pumpkin patch.
24. We got lots of pumpkins! B wasn't a fan of the patch at first, but I finally coaxed her into picking a few out.
25. The hot air balloon festival was awesome! We will definitely go again.
26. The science center in Rutherfordton is awesome! And it was great to see the Caskeys (minus Kiran) before they headed out!
27. We did some leaf art, which wasn't quite the masterpiece I'd envisioned.
28. I still haven't made a thankful jar. Maybe that's a project for today.
29. Haven't seen many rain puddles.
30. Hokie dishes are partially done, but haven't been completed in the oven yet.
31. We bought some cheap toilet paper and had at it as mummies. Brenna is still asking to do it again, so maybe today!
32. I made B a Halloweeen themed lunch on the day after Halloween. It was cute, but she seemed underwhelmed.
33. We went on several walks, but I wouldn't call any of them nature walks.
34. I made my first patch of playdoh and it smelled exactly like it did when my mom used to make it for us!
35. No go on the pine cone bird feeder. Jonathan thought I was crazy anyway.