Sunday, December 4, 2011
21 Months Old
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Baby Survey
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
20 Months Old!
Dear Brenna,
I'm FINALLY sitting down to write your 20 month post. I'm 2 weeks late. It's been a chaotic last few weeks, and although I've meant to sit down and do this almost every day, it just hasn't happened. There are 2 main reasons for the delay. Reason #1 - We moved to North Carolina! We packed up our house on Daddy's 30th birthday, October 28, while you stayed in Bristol with Nanie. We all loaded up and headed south on Monday, October 31. We unloaded the truck that day and have been trying to get settled in ever since. You seem to be adjusting well, which I'm so thankful for. Reason #2 - You're going to be a big sister! Your baby brother or sister is making Mommy SICK, SICK, SICK! It's terrible timing because I have so much I need to do here at the house we're living in, but I just have no energy. You've been pretty good about playing on your own, cuddling up to read stories on the couch with me, and being pretty tolerant of me when I'm barely in commission during the days. I'm thankful we are here with Daddy now, and he helps out with you and plays with you a lot! Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon and we can explore our new city together!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
30Before30 - #20 - Get an iPhone
Sunday, October 9, 2011
30Before30 - #1 - 5K and 10K
Ready to run!
Almost to the end!
Brenna go to play with my finisher's medal.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
30Before30 - #30 -- HOKIE GAME!
We spent the first 3 quarters in the West stands - which was nice because it wasn't in the sun and we had a great view. The Hokies were ahead all the time.
We went over to sit with Darin and Lyndsie for the 4th quarter, and things got a little bleaker. We lost the lead - but luckily they scored a touchdown to retake the lead. Miami couldn't score again, so we won with a score of 38 to 35. GOOOO Hokies!
This may be our last Hokie game for awhile, and we enjoyed the time together and the beautiful weather!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
19 Months Old
Another month has come and gone! These will be the last monthly pictures that we take at our current house. It's a little sad to be saying goodbye to the house where we started our family, but it's exciting, too! We'll be moving in 2 weeks, so this next month will probably be a crazy one!
You are growing like a weed! I can't believe how tall you are. At your doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago you were 33 inches tall and weighed 23 pouncs, 12 ounces. You still wear mostly 12-18 month clothes, but you have to wear 18 month pants for the length. I'll be glad when you fit in the adjustable waist pants!
You have been eating pretty well. You got your third and fourth molars (on the top this time), so I guess you can chew better than before! Some of your favorite foods are berries, applesauce, yogurt, "deeyas" (quesadilla), "memeal" (oatmeal), eggs, cheese, cookies, crackers, pickles, "madoes" (tomatoes), cucumbers, bananas, and pasta.
I really want to tell you about some of the super cute things you've been doing. This month, we've really enjoyed it when you've.....
...eaten all of your oatmeal except the last bite and then said, "Mommy do" so you can get the very last bite!
...insisted on giving hugs and kisses and fist bumps to everyone in the room. You always say, "Mommy kiss" or "Daddy fist bump" so nobody is left out!
...started climbing in our empty bathroom cabinets. You like to announce "bye bye" or "door" before you climb in and close the doors. This apparentely never gets old to you.
...carried your new Cabbage Patch doll around wrapped in blankets, towels, "Daddy's shirt", or whatever you can find. You sometimes call her "baby" and sometimes by her name, Ashley. You like to try to give her a paci or a drink of your milk, too.
...looked at picture books that we have and told us who everyone is. Just 2 days ago you started recognized Tinley - You call her "Tin eeeee". You also call most boys you see on TV or out in public London or Liam.
...learned that part of our routine before naptime or bedtime is to turn on your air purifier. You'll go hit the button and then say, "Night, night". You also go over to it and turn it off and say, "Off!" when I get you out of your crib.
...started calling Papa Bill "Pa Bill". You did this on your own, and it's so cute. He loves it, too, of course!
...stood in an empty clothes basket and signed "more". Daddy put you in a basket one day and pulled you around. Now you want to do it ALL.THE.TIME!
...started talking in more sentences. A good example is the other day during breakfast you heard a boy talking on the TV. You said, "Boy! Go see him?" to me. It's amazing how verbal you are!
...said "Amen" whenever someone was talking about Jesus.
...tried counting. You have gotten to 7 before, but you seem to want to just repeat "three four" over and over again. You are also obsessed with the ABCs. You want to watch YouTube videos of the Sesame Street characters saying the ABCs anytime the computer is close by.
...told us that you loved us. "Love shu Mommy" are the most precious words I've ever heard, I promise. You also have gotten really good at putting people's words with sentences. For example, you say, "Thank shu Mommy" many times a day. You also can identify "Daddy's tar" (car) and you say "London's" everytime you see a sippy cup like his! love to hear songs. You used to always say, "Singing" when you heard someone singing. Now you say, "Songing" instead. CUTE!
There is no denying that you are a full-fledged toddler. You spend most all your time being happy and exploring the world around you. I know you're going to love our new house and all the room you'll have both inside and outside to explore! I love you more than anything!
Love you, Sprout!
Love, Mommy
Monday, October 3, 2011
Pumpkin Patch
Thursday, September 22, 2011
18(1/2) Month Stats
23 pounds, 12 ounces (35th percentile)
33 inches (80th percentile)
18.5 inch head circ. (70th percentile)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
30 Before 30
1. Run at least one 5K race. Run a 10K (even if not an "official" one.)
2. Work on learning Spanish.
3. Write a letter to Brenna to give to her on her wedding day.
4. Pay for someone's food in the car behind me at a drive-through.
5. Learn how to use my camera in manual mode.
6. Put up a backsplash in our new kitchen.
7. Close on both of our houses and move in.
8. Cook a Thanksgiving meal by myself.
9. Read the entire Bible.
10. Be part of a flashmob.
11. Go on an overnight backpacking trip with Jonathan.
12. Read To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre, and Pride & Prejudice.
13. Finish the Harry Potter series.
14. Watch all 7 (or 8?) Harry Potter movies.
15. Blog 2-3 times per week.
16. Decorate my house for Christmas. I mean REALLY decorate it!
17. Plan out my garden to be ready to plant in the spring.
18. Write 2 encouraging handwritten letters a week.
19. Make at least 4 homemade Christmas gifts that I'm proud of.
20. Get an Iphone.
21. Learn to play one song on the guitar.
22. Ride a Harley.
23. Jump in leaves with Brenna.
24. Take Brenna to a zoo.
25. Go on a weekend trip with just my sister. Go on another one with a good friend. Who's game?
26. Go to a wine tasting.
27. Send a letter to at least 3 prior teachers and tell them how awesome they were.
28. Find a new church. Make at least one really good friend there.
29. Throw an awesome first get-together at our new house.
30. Watch the Hokies play (preferably the ACC Championship or Bowl Game).
and for the Grand Finale....
31. Celebrate my 30th with my hubby somewhere fun!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
18 Months Old!
You still wear your 12-18 month clothes and size medium cloth diapers (size 3 regular diapers). I haven't scheduled your 18 month appointment, because we were supposed to be moved by now. I'm going to do that today! My guess is that you are about 24 pounds, but we'll see! I forgot to tell you last month, but you used the potty one time when we first got it about a month ago. It surprised me, and you haven't done it again. I think maybe we'll start some potty-training as soon as we move.
You would think that would be the biggest news of the month, but it's not! You are a cousin!!!!! Aunt Mal had your sweet cousin, Brady Lee, on August 22. He wasn't due until September 24, but he came early because he was a little bit sick in Mal's belly. Unfortunately he came on our second day at the beach, so we didn't get to see him until he was 7 days old. It was hard to wait, but he was worth it. He's sooo little and cute. You love to give him lots of kisses, but you do NOT like your mommy holding him. Uh oh - jealousy already! I hope you two will grow to be great buddies! I'm having so much fun being an aunt to him.
I mentioned the beach. We took our annual trip to Murrells Inlet, SC with the Bashams. You and London had fun at the beach playing in the sand, and at the pool in your floats. We had lots of outings for dinner and shopping, and you were a really good girl. We took you to a children's museum that you enjoyed, too. We borrowed a DVD player for the car, and that helped SO much during the ride down and back. I'm glad you are such a good little traveler. We did have to come back from the beach one day early because of Hurricane Irene. It was a bummer, but we wanted to make sure we were all safe.
You talk all the time and know more words than I can count. You are making 2-3 word sentences on a regular basis, and are starting to phrase things as questions sometimes, too. You love to point out cars (tars, especially Mommy's tar), choochoos, animals, bees (anything that flies!), boys (already??), babies, shoes, and flowers. You love books that have "peekaboo flaps", and you love Mickey Mouse and Elmo. You like to give high fives and fist bumps. You can count to four, although lately you've started getting them out of order. You love to say "ABCs" and hear the ABC song. You've been pretty cuddly for the past few days, and you'll just curl up beside me on the couch and lay your head on me. I adore it! You also got your first 2 molars on the bottom, and I think they hurt you a little bit. You're pretty tough though, and I'm thankful they don't hurt you too much.
You love to eat, but are sometimes pickier than others. You like to eat off our plates at restaurants, and you love tomatoes! You had your first popsicle with Nanie this weekend, which you though was just something special. You love to run around and show off for your grandparents! They miss you something terrible when we leave!
Here's to 6 more fun months until your next birthday. You're growing like crazy, and I'm thankful I am with you to experience it all by your side.
I love you, Sprout!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
17 Months Old!
I've been sitting here crying. Do you want to know why? It's because I started thinking about your first day of kindergarten!! It's 4 years away, for crying out loud, and it already makes me cry. You are just growing up way too fast and I just know it won't ever slow down!
Okay, so on a happier note, let's talk about your month. We've had lots and lots of time together, just you and me. We've spent a lot of time on the deck "exploring", in the yard playing with Liam and swinging, at the VT Duck Pond, on lunch dates with friends, going to the park, and running all kinds of errands. We went to Bristol for Aunt Mal's baby shower and you stayed with Nana and Papa Bill for a weekend while I went to NC. You know the names of lots of people now - Mommy, Daddy, Maggie (Magnie), Nanie, Mal, Josh, Nana, Papa Bill (PawPaw), Grandma (still working on this one consistently), MawMaw, PawPaw, Lauren (Orwin), Spencer, Beckie, Brooke, Ricky, Sissy, Sheri (Sherwi), April (Apil), London (sometimes), Liam, Kate, and Will. You have no clue how many people are head-over-heels in love with you!
We've gone to 1 nap a day, and you're doing great at it. You usually nap from about 12 or 12:30 until about 2:30 or 3:00. You get up about 7:15 most morning, but you slept until 9:00 one morning and it was GREAT! You go to bed about 8:00. Your last word before you go to sleep is usually Amen (unless you cry for me or Daddy, which is pitiful). You just started repeating it when we say your bedtime prayers each night. Cute, cute, cute! I hope it's always the last word you say at night.
Speaking of words - you know lots and lots of them. It seems like you learn 4 or 5 new words every day. It's amazing! You really understand most of what I say to you, and it's nice to see that interaction happening. Some of my favorite words that you say are hairbow (you say it so excitedly!), milk (miiiiiiiiilk), please (peet), teeth (teet), Abby (again, so excitedly!), and Sherwi. You like to say "book" now, and you're still crazy about reading "stories", which you say really well, too. Just today you said "dirty" when you saw a leaf on your swing outside. I had no clue you even knew that word. Oh, and you noticed that Mickey Mouse says, "Oh, Toodles" on his show that we watch sometimes. So now you call Mickey "Toodles" anytime we see his picture on something. And most other cartoon characters are still "Elmo". In the book you have of Disney stories, you always point to the Beast from "Beauty and the Beast" and say, "Daddy!" really loud. That's not very nice, Brenna! Luckily, Belle, Cinderella, and all the other pretty girls are "Mommy". Smart girl. :)
Lately you've been doing better on eating, but you still have some picky days. Your favorites these days are cucumbers, green beans, carrots, yogurt, rice cakes, fruit (especially berries!), ice cream (thanks Nana!), hot dogs (dawdogs), grilled cheese and quesadillas, and croutons out of my salads! You still love cheese and noodles, too. You love to have a sip of Mommy's water, and you've enjoyed some sips of lemonade and tea, too. I'm glad you still drink your milk so well - even if it is a pain to remember to always put it back in the fridge!
You seem about the same size to me, and your 12 month clothes still fit for the most part. Some of your shorts are 18 months, and some of your shirts are 12-18 months. Your feet are growing, so I need to get you some size 5 shoes for the beach! I think you may be cutting some more teeth, in addition the 8 you have. You've been chewing on your hands at night a little and fussing. Hopefully they'll be easy on you, like the last ones were.
We definitely miss Daddy, but we're having fun while we wait for the move - which will probably happen this month! I'm excited for us to be reunited as a family on a daily basis! I know you'll be happy too - and especially when you have a yard to run around in! I could not love you any more, you little silly goose. We have so, so much fun giggling and playing peekaboo and laughing. You are such a fun, fun girl, and you like to make us laugh. I never smiled as much as I do now that I spend my days with you. It even helps me forget about your bad habit of stiffening up when sitting on my lap, which is the reason for my fat lip right now! You little stinker!
I love you, sweet Sprout.
Love, Mommy
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Stay at Home Mama Musings
*Naptime is my biggest stressor. I know it shouldn't be, but it just IS. Take today, for example. I was ready to finally go to one nap a day. But, then she got tired this morning, wanted to go down, and went to sleep for a good hour and a half. So, of course she got tired again this afternoon. But, sleep? Nah. As of about 15 minutes ago she was singing some jibberish song. I should be able to enjoy that sound, and just not worry about whether she's actually asleep or not. But, I'm not there yet. I'm trying. Okay, and I just checked the monitor and it looks like she's asleep. Geez.
*We read a lot LOT of books. We keep about 20 or so downstairs at any given time. Today we read about 14 of those in one sitting. I started making a pile of the ones we'd read, and wouldn't reread them. Babygirl LOVES books. And this makes me one happy mommy!
*Our babysitter Kate found an awesome park at a church near our house. I take Brenna there a lot. I met a girl who I think could be my BFF. We have a few mutual friends (who knew?). Great timing to move 2.5 hours away!
*Our couch pillows and ottoman make a great tunnel.
*Brenna lovessss to be outside. Whether it be on the deck, on a walk, or at the park, she's happiest outside. Not so much happiest in a buggy anywhere. That makes running errands fun.
*If you lose your dog's collar or your husband's iphone case, let your 16 month old find them. She probably hid them both.
*Your baby will think EVERY man is Daddy while he's gone. No holds barred - fat or skinny, tall or short, black or white, ugly or hot, young or old, cartoon character or drawing - they will all be called DADDY. Loudly. And the creeper target register guy will ask you if you'll make him dinner since your kid called him Daddy. There is no point in getting embarassed.
*This is hard, ya'll. It's fun but it's hard. Especially with a husband who's in another state 3-4 days a week. I feel like I'm in stay at home mom bootcamp. At least once we officially move he'll be around at night most of the time to break the monotony.
*I wouldn't trade it for the world. Her giggles alone, which I hear a LOT make it worth it. Lucky me!
Monday, July 4, 2011
16 Months Old!
You're sleeping really well right now. I put you down about 8 each night, and you usually sleep until 7:30-8:00 each morning. Your naps were crazy for awhile, but you've been napping like a pro again lately. You nap from about 10:00-11:30 each morning and 3:30-5:00 each afternoon. As long as you take 2 naps easily, we're going to stick with that! You like to sleep with your two pink bears now, so I wonder if you're going to start getting attached to your stuffed animals. You also like to have at least 2 pacis, just in case!
You eat lots of different things. You are sometimes picky and don't eat much, and other times you eat like crazy. Your "staples" that you'll always eat are grilled cheese sandwiches, green beans, all fruit (especially berries), Teddy Grahams, Puffs (we SO thought you were done with these), flatbread crackers, shredded cheese, hot dogs, cucumbers, carrots, and noodles. You drink milk really well still, and you like water when it's hot outside. You're always worried your food is hot - and you to blow on your food, just in case.
You're growing right on target. About 2 weeks ago, you were 21 pounds, 15 ounces and 31.25 inches. You wear mostly 12 month or 12-18 month clothes. Sometimes you still sleep in your 9 month onesies. Your feet are finally growing, too, and you sure do like having shoes on - because it means you are getting to go outside. You're MUCH happier when we leave the house to go to the park, rather than to get groceries or run errands. Your patience for these things isn't quite what it used to be. We're learning about timing though, and hopefully our routine will just keep getting better.
We celebrated Father's Day with Daddy while he was home. We got him a nice, new patio set, which you like because it means we spend more time on the deck. You were a flower girl in Carrie and Eric's wedding this month and you were adorable. You were a little too scared to walk down the aisle, which didn't surprise us too much. Everybody enjoyed seeing you all dressed up - and you were in a great mood for the beginning of the reception, before Nanie took you home to try to nap. I hope you'll get to be a flower girl again at some point, and can enjoy the experience more. Luckily we have lots of pictures from your first chance!
You are talking up a storm, and it's so fun to have "conversations" with you. You love to point out people you know in pictures. On the days when you wake up and Daddy isn't home, you go from room to room looking for him, shouting "Daddddddy!" It's kind of pitiful, but cute at the same time. You are most definitely a Daddy's girl. You adore him - and he adores you. It's nice on the days he's here and we all get to hang out together. Hopefully before your 17 month old update we'll all be together in NC and getting to spend lots more time together! Until then, we'll enjoy our time together. It's exactly the way I've been longing to spend my days for the past 16 months.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Pinterest = LOVE!
Saturday lunch - pesto/ham/mozzerella/tomato on focaccia bread (SO DELICIOUS - thanks Merritt!)
Saturday dinner - baked zucchini chips (awesome when warm)
Saturday dessert - Strawberry lemonade bars (not a fan - Jonathan liked them)
....and this isn't a Pinterest find, but it was my craft project yesterday. They are for my new nephew. Want me to make you some?
*We hit up our local antique store today and got a few more supplies for some projects.
*I bought a few more household items for some other projects to work on this week, too.
*Where did the non-crafty Erin go???
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Book Giveaway
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
#6 - Kroger
*Low prices - and great sales!
*Nice people - without the Wal-Mart crowd that I hate in Christiansburg!
*Huge selection
*Indian food selection at the Blacksburg HUGE Kroger
*Fuel points - We just saved $0.60 a gallon for gas for both of our cars - about a $20 savings!
*Sushi bar at the Blacksburg Kroger
*Store brand stuff that is actually good
*Great produce, deli, and bakery section
*Free race tickets twice a year on my receipt - WOOHOO!
Monday, June 20, 2011
15(1/2) Month Well-Check
Anyhow, here's how she measured up today:
Weight - 21 pounds, 15 ounces (30th percentile)
Height - 31.25 inches (70th percentile)
Head - 18.25 inches (60th percentile)
She's still right on track and meeting or exceeding all her milestones. Glad the appointment is OVER! She is apparently ready to forget about it, too, because she pulled those bandaids off before we left the parking lot!
And just for memory sake, her stats at all her other well-checks:
Birth - 8 pounds, 3 ounces; 20 inches
3 days - 7 pounds, 6 ounces
1 month - 8 pounds, 10 ounces
2 months - 10 pounds, 13 ounces; 23 inches
4 months - 13 pounds, 6 ounces; 24.75 inches
6 months - 15 pounds, 12 ounces; 26.25 inches
9 months - 17 pounds, 4 ounces; 28 inches
12 months - 19 pounds, 7 ounces; 30 inches
15 months - 21 pounds, 15 ounces; 31.25 inches
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Queen Anne's Cake - YUMMM-O!!
1 box German chocolate cake mix
8 oz. cream cheese
1. Blend cake ingredients on low.
2. Mix on medium speed for 2-3 minutes.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
#7 - TFC

We are definitely going to miss our church family at The Freedom Center (TFC) in Salem. Jonathan was already attending TFC when we met, so it's always been a part of our story. We've made lots of memories, and met some great friends at this place. I won't ramble on about the church, but I'll chronicle some memories we have through pictures!
This is before I was even in the picture. I just found it on the computer and thought they both looked SO young - April (still a Brooks) and Kristen!

Caitlin and Jason in the nursery - They've grown so much.

ridiculous pictures from a NYE scavenger hunt 2008

leap frog

pyramid - Thanks for the sweet face, babe!
After Ezra playing at the Freedom Blast

building the stage

Our tiny church put together the fireworks display for the whole city of Salem (10,000 people) for several years. It was LOTS of hard work, but such a fun experience!


more Freedom Blast

worship music before the fireworks

fun shower games

at our baby shower

We had Brenna dedicated at TFC when she was almost 2 months old. Pastors Randy and Donette are very special to us. Donette has always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to (like when that boy who I knew I would marry broke up with me and then came to his senses), cry with, or laugh with. Their daughters, Kristen and Brittany are great friends of mine and it's been fun to watch them grow from middle/high schoolers to college students (and Kristen's even a graduate!) and great young women. Thank goodness for Facebook! :)